Friday, February 18, 2011

New Arrival

Rachel leaving the MSP airport
Daylight Board Member Rachel Finsaas has just arrived in Kenya. She will be spending a short while driving around Nairobi talking to community leaders there and then head up to 8 hour car ride! Its beautiful land and she will see monkeys, zebras, antelope, and meet wonderful people. Pray for her safe travel as she spreads love to the students and nomads. Stay up to date on her 2 month adventure by visiting her Travel blog.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fixing the Truck

As you may be aware, Rachel will be arriving in Kenya on Wednesday. At Daylight, we have been making arrangements to receive her here. We have put the plans in place. 

Attached pic shows the truck being fixed. We will drive to Nairobi to meet Rachel. In addition, we have secured a room next to our hut where Rachel will reside for the time she will be here at Daylight. 

Rachel, welcome to Kenya!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


The kids and staff at Daylight are doing and are in good spirits. Thank you for enabling us be there for these lovely little people. I am so joyful to be working at Daylight with the nomads kids. And to Him be the glory.

Besides, it's about a month since I got back to Daylight from the States. I had a 3 month trip in the States.

Upon my return, I have since been able to visit a number of villages in Pokot. What I have I found out during my visits in the family is the severe drought. It is so dry and dusty here in Pokot, Kenya. And the nomad tribes are finding it difficult. Big time! To get water for their households and animals they have to move about and walk long distances.

When I visited my mother and family in Alale village a fortnight I ago, the situation there was not any different. The pictures attached here on were taken when I visited Alale where my mother lives. The villagers have to dig deep into the sand at the creeks to find water.

Some other times they don't succeed in hitting the waterpoint, and have to try digging elsewhere over and over again. If you are familiar with Minnesota, then this place, at the moment, could as well be referred to as the "Land of 10,000 sand wells" - as it were.

Note the picture of the goat who desperately tried to search for water in a container by way of pushing its head right into the opening on the container, an effort that went a little too far, for the goat had difficulty retrieving its head out of the container. Someone had to literally bail the goat out of the noose....

These are the places some of the Daylight kids come from. And it is also the area I call home. It is that close.

When you pray, please remember them!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hot Winter

Last week, the Daylight team traveled 200 km from Daylight school to feed and pray with nomads from my hometown Alale during a famine. The place was so dry and there was so little to eat. We came up on one homestead and they generously hosted us by slaughtering a goat for us to eat. This was a huge gift becaues so many people in the area are going hungry. I ask you friends to pray for these villages. It is a severe "hot winter" now on them. The sun out here is scorching, and everything is dried up. Finding water to drink is a very big challenge. The villagers dig up to 30 feet in on the ground to find water.

The nomads share the little they have to help us educate their children.

It is really inspiring. Please pray for them.